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From the SCV MECH CAV Standing Orders:
Article 3.0. MEMBERSHIP & DEFINITIONS 3.1. Applications for Membership. Members of The Sons of Confederate Veterans whom are applying for application to The Sons of Confederate Veterans Mechanized Cavalry must be current on all dues with The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization. Applicants for membership must be men of good character who emulate the best qualities of the Confederate soldier, sailor, or statesman. Application fees of $100.00 shall be submitted to the Company Captain wherein the Captain will forward the application to SCV-CAV Head Quarters for verification with SCV IHQ so that a certificate can be issued. From the $100.00 application fee: HQ will receive $25.00 and the applicants Company will receive $75.00. The fee shall entitle the approved applicant with life time membership in the Mechanized Cavalry, a Service Mark (on loan for as long the member is in good standing) and other benefits to be determined by the Company (maintaining membership in the SCV is required). 3.2. Requirements for Membership. No individual shall be admitted into membership who has not attained membership in The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization first. Some Companies (States) may have additional requirements (attending three meetings, participation in three rides, etc.) before a member is accepted into the Company. No individual shall be admitted into membership that has not met the additional requirements of the Company for which he is applying. 3.3. Proof of Credentials. No one shall be admitted into membership until satisfactory proof of his membership in The Sons of Confederate Veterans is submitted. 3.4. Conduct. Members shall at all-time conduct themselves as gentlemen, so as to bring credit and respect upon The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization and upon the memory of our Confederate forebears. 3.5. Termination. Membership shall cease by death, resignation, non-payment of dues to The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization, or expulsion. Members may also be temporarily suspended in accordance with these Standing Orders. 3.6. Death. Loss of life. 3.7. Resignation. A member may resign by sending a written resignation and his Service Mark (patch) to his Company Captain. The resignation shall be effective upon receipt by the Captain. 3.8. Expulsion. Any individual expelled from membership under the provisions of these Standing Orders shall be stricken from the roster and his name added to a list of undesirables. 3.9. Non-Payment. A member shall be removed from the roster for not making all payments due to The Sons of Confederate Veterans organization after notification from National Sons of Confederate Veterans of member’s delinquency. |